Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sewakan or Bisnis sendiri

A few months ago, i remake my home into 3 part. My home with my kid, two rooms for my business & a single room for my office. That was a plan and we did it. After "the remaking" has completed, i was in the middle of confussion about renting all the room to someelse and just earning rental fee because the remake took a lot of money.

  1. Bila disewakan semuanya mungkin saya akan earn sebesar 75 juta per tahun at least, but i have to rent another place.
  2. Bila sesuai dengan rencana, maka saya harus develop sebuah business yang pastinya harus profitable. Tidak boleh rugi sama sekali
  3. Looking for some busines partner that existing already. But i have to look carefully, since the business will be in our house. The business should be accepted in the neighbourhood, should not threat my family, not so many people etc etc.

Then we decided to accep a friend who is a doctor as well as akupunktur. Pasiennya masih bisa dihitung dengan jari per harinya. Tapi lumayan lah, karena semua berjalan dengan lancar. Sedang yang single room akan dihuni oleh seorang karyawan yang akan mondok.

Nah salah satu tujuan awalku sudah tercapai, yaitu memiliki Small Office Home Office di Jakarta. Semoga pilihan ini adalah yang terbaik yang digariskan untuk saya sekeluarga.


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